GLT - Community Lives Teamwork

A team is a team

Whether company or leisure


At GLT Bearings, we see ourselves as a community of individuals pursuing the same goal. Each member has his or her own strengths and talents. Our sense of community and our desire to achieve the best forms a team. A team that everyone can rely on – within the team and everyone who works with it.


What has proven itself in the company and has made us more and more successful for years, sometimes shows its blossoms outside the company habitat. With the participation in the XLETIX Challenge on July 15, 2023 in Erding, a few “really crazy” people from GLT sought and found the next challenge. On 12 kilometers through rough terrain, they had to overcome 25 obstacles as a team – and last but not least, their own inner swine.

In order to be able to endure these exertions, a few training sessions were necessary for one or the other in advance. But despite all the ambition, the focus of the participants was on having fun. After hard hours in mud and ice water, on scaffolds and climbing walls or just on “free track” it was finally done. Team GLT mastered the challenge together and crossed the finish line happy but exhausted.


After the hard race, however, the social part should not be neglected and so the team met afterwards for a cool drink and hot food from the grill to review this extraordinary experience. As different as the impressions were, the team was united in one thing:

Together, more is possible!